This daylong retreat introduces us to compassion practice, so essential for a healthier sense of ourselves. Drawing on the Radiant Abodes of metta (loving-kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (appreciative /sympathetic joy) and upekkha (equanimity), we will explore those qualities of heart and mind that help transform the inner critic, so that we can free ourselves from judgment and the curse of perfectionism. The ethics of relating with boundaries, empathy and compassion will be explored, with particular reference to the importance of self-awareness and self-care as a safe-guard against boundary violations. This theme will be fully explored and experienced in more depth, in the residential retreat at Mont Fleur which is from 7-9 August, with a Winter Special price offer.
Sliding scale: R850/900/950 (includes lunch and teas)
Deposit: R350 to book your place, non-refundable if you cancel after 16 July.
Banking Details:
Account Name: Stillmind Retreats
Cheque Account: 62506345637
First National Bank, Branch 201509
Reference: Your name & 23JUL
CPD accreditation for health, mental health and allied health professionals:
1 day: 6 points: (3 general and 3 ethics CEUs)