Autumn Day-long Retreat
This day-long retreat offers a brief overview of the Buddha’s teachings on embodied awareness, with particular reference to the Buddha's radical understanding that transcendence is paradoxically linked to grounded presence. We will draw on the teaching of the first foundation of Mindfulness of the Body to discover that a relaxed, grounded body creates the conditions for a peaceful heart and mind. We will also
briefly reflect on the ethical framework of these teachings, particularly the Buddhist guidelines around living a life of non-harming, to provide a context for mindfulness practice.
The essence of this approach is to deepen our awareness of the present moment through the sensory (‘felt’) experience of our bodies. We will explore the psychological impact of bringing our attention to the body in all the postures, thereby experiencing the healing and therapeutic benefits of this practice.
The day will be held in contemplative silence and will include sitting, walking and reclining meditation, as well as qigong (Chi Kung) movement meditation, which will enhance our awareness of the body through connecting with the elements. A delicious 2 course vegetarian/vegan lunch, as well as teas, will be savoured in silence.
CPD accreditation for health, mental health and allied health professionals: 6 (3 general and 3 ethics CEUs)