In addition to guided meditations and teachings around a different theme each month, the half-day retreats include a session of Qigong (Chi Kung), an ancient gentle movement meditation which greatly enhances our experience of the integration of body, heart and mind. Suitable for newcomers to this approach, as well as an opportunity for those who have attended Sue’s courses and retreats to deepen their practice with the support of others.
Cost: Please pay whatever you can manage from the sliding scale of R450/500/R550 or less if necessary – everyone is welcome on a dana (donation) basis
Banking Details: Name: Stillmind Retreats Cheque Account: 62506345637 First National Bank, Rondebosch Branch Code: 201509 Reference: your name and date of retreat
57 Upper Grove Avenue, Claremont Cape Town,
Western Cape
7708South Africa
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