15 Day Recommitment to Daily Practice: Beginning Again Together - From Intention to Wise Action

15 - 31 January 2024

All Welcome - a free offering supported by much- appreciated Dana/donation (R150 -  R1500 guideline)

15 - 30 min daily meditations (via Zoom & sent afterwards as audio recordings to listen to in your own time), qigong, teachings and poetry.

Daily times as per weekly schedule using recurring Zoom link - Whatsapp (+27) 83 456 2569 for details.

Having loved enough and lost enough,
I am no longer searching,
just opening.

No longer trying to make sense of pain,
but trying to be a soft and sturdy home
in which real things can land.
- From “Yes, We Can Talk” by Mark Nepo.

Dana/donation guideline total for the 15 days: R150 - R1500.

Please offer what you can from the sliding scale or you are welcome to join for free, if you’re not in a position to contribute. Your participation is also much appreciated dana.

Deepen the experience with a half-day Retreat:

Sat 20 January online Finding Solace with Sangha in Silence Afternoon Retreat (2-5pm)

Bank Details

Account Name: Stillmind Retreats
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 63069443760
Branch Code: 210835
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: Your name, surname and dana
POP: admin@stillmindretreats.com

Feel free to forward this to anyone who might like to join us. They can WhatsApp their name and surname to Sue and save her name with her number: Sue  +27 83 456 2569. To receive the Zoom link via email please contact admin@stillmindretreats.com.