21 Day Recommitment to Begin Again Together

11 - 31 January 2022

Begin the year with this 3 week course comprising short, daily meditations (recordings & Zoom), qigong, teachings and poetry. All welcome - no previous experience needed.

As we find solace with sangha, our silent family of like-minded people, we will deepen our practice one day at a time, so that we can choose again bravely, wisely and with trust, remembering what really matters. Meditations will be sent each morning (& some evenings) to listen to in your own time. Morning (6:30am/7am) Zoom sessions (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat) will be recorded if you can’t attend live, so that you can still practice daily. Zoom Schedule will be updated weekly and includes qigong 3x per week.

Dana/donation guideline total for the 21 days: R150 - R1500. Please offer what you can and would like to from the sliding scale or please join for free if you’re not in a position to do so. Stillmind Retreat Banking details below.

Week 1:
FINDING OUR GROUND - Softening into Embodied Presence & Sensory Experience

Week 2:
FINDING OUR FOCUS - Stilling the Mind through Calm Attention & Understanding

Week 3:
FINDING OUR CENTRE - Opening to Heartfelt, Connected Presence: bravely & intimately Opening the Heart with Metta and Compassion.

Bankings details for your dana:
Stillmind Retreats
FNB Cheque Account 62506345637
Branch Code: 201509
Ref: Your name and dana

To sign up please Whatsapp Sue on +27 83 4562 569 with your name and surname and save her to your contacts.