Autumn 10 Day Recommitment to Befriending Ourselves with Metta

23 March - 1 April 2022

"The Mind creates the abyss and the Heart crosses it." ~ Sri Nisargadatta

Please join this dana (donation) based offering of Compassion teachings and loving-kindness (Metta) practices to heal and transform the vicious inner critic, free yourself from the curse of perfectionism & end the cycles of self-abandonment, all of which have such a damaging effect on our sense of self and well-being. (R100-1000 dana guideline).

Additional offerings to deepen this process:
Saturday 26th March : Metta Morning Retreat in-person in Constantia and our monthly Afternoon Retreat on-line (please book here)

Bankings details for your dana (guideline R100-1000):
Stillmind Retreats
FNB Cheque Account 62506345637
Branch Code: 201509
Ref: Your name and dana

To sign up please Whatsapp Sue on +27 83 4562 569 with your name and surname and save her to your contacts.