October Nourishment to Deepen Self-Compassion, Trust & Joyful Presence
7 - 25 October
The mind creates the abyss and the heart crosses it. - Nisargadatta
15 Day Recommitment to Open the Heart & Still the Mind through Daily Practices of Meditation, Qigong & Poetry to support Healing, Inner Peace, Compassionate Wisdom & Joyful Presence.
Dates: 7- 25 October
~ including 15 - 30 minute meditations plus half-day & weekend retreats (daily times & Zoom link sent weekly)
These meditations (live on Zoom & then sent as audio recordings daily) are shared freely with an invitation to support this offering with a donation (dana) if you are able to & would like to express your appreciation.
Daily times as per weekly schedule using recurring Zoom link - Whatsapp (+27) 83 456 2569 for details.
Suggested monthly Dana guideline for this series: R250 - R1500 (feel free to offer less or more)
Please offer what you can from the sliding scale or you are welcome to join for free, if you’re not in a position to contribute. Your participation is also much appreciated dana.
All contributions are received with much gratitude. Banking details below now include an international Wise account option for Euros.
To deepen this experience:
(Bookings via website)
25 - 27 Oct @ Temenos, McGregor: From Courageous & Joyful Presence to Wise Action
Weekend Silent Retreat (with free Sun night accommodation)
CPD accredited. Last few places!
Bank Details
Account Name: Stillmind Retreats
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 63069443760
Branch Code: 210835
Reference: Your name & dana/date of retreat
POP: admin@stillmindretreats.com
Susan G Cooper
IBAN: BE45 9673 6990 2489
Address: Wise Europe SA
Rue du Trone 100
3rd Floor
Ref: Your Name & Surname
Proof of payment: admin@stillmindretreats.com
Please feel free to share these details with anyone who would like to be added to my broadcast list or to unsubscribe or migrate to the poetry & retreat list, if you no longer wish to receive the meditations.