May Metta: Open Our Hearts Together, Ending Self-Abandonment With Compassion

15 Day Donation-based Metta Offering | 13 - 30 May (excluding 21st & 22nd) 2022

When love meets compassion, joy arises.

Learn to “give our all without giving ourselves away” (Mark Nepo) through short, daily meditations (audio recordings & Zoom sessions), qigong, teachings on Loving-Kindness (Metta) & Compassion and inspiring poetry. All welcome.

Daily Meditations will be sent each morning (& some evenings) to listen to in your own time if you can’t attend the 6:00/7am Zoom sessions. Timetable to follow next week and includes qigong movement meditation 2 - 3x per week.

Plus Wed 11 May @ 7am - 7:30am: Free Intro & Overview via Zoom (recording will be sent).

Dana/donation guideline total for the 15 days (plus one catch-up day): R150 - R1500, received with much gratitude, but please do join for free if you’re not in a position to make a dana offering. Stillmind Retreat Banking details below.

Additional offerings to deepen this process:
Saturday, 14 May: Half-day afternoon online retreat - please book here.

Bankings details for your dana (guideline R150-1500):
Stillmind Retreats
FNB Cheque Account 62506345637
Branch Code: 201509
Ref: Your name and dana

To sign up please Whatsapp Sue on +27 83 4562 569 with your name and surname and save her to your contacts.

A Love Poem

I am my mother now,
my sister, my closest
friend. I forgive myself
for everything, cancel
all regret. To whatever
I have to say, I listen.
When trouble comes,
along with pain and
sorrow, I remind myself
of all I have survived—
how brave I am, how
strong. I vow to cherish,
at every age, the body
in which my soul resides.
I eat when I am hungry.
When sleepy-eyed and
weary, I carry myself
as tenderly as a child, to
a place of rest. And when
lost or afraid, I say to my-
self: I will not leave you.
You are safe with me.

~ Terri Kirby Erickson