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BRC FUNDRAISER RETREAT: Opening the Heart with Compassionate Generosity (POSTPONED)

21 December, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm UTC+2

This BRC fundraiser retreat has been POSTPONED to 26 January 2022. Please click here for details.

This donation-based online Evening Retreat is a fundraiser for the Buddhist Retreat Centre (BRC) in Ixopo, Kwa-Zulu Natal and for their staff, in response to the very sad cancellation of my 7 day annual retreat due to the fourth wave. The retreat will take place online via Zoom. Please download the app and the link will be emailed to you. Please book as per usual using the links below.

As we embrace the truth of our interconnectedness, we remember that we are not alone, and that we can find solace with sangha in silence, wherever we are. Through open-hearted, compassionate presence we will offer, with generosity, the blessings of our practice for the well-being of the BRC staff, supporting this beautiful retreat centre, which offers us such a sacred space for inner refuge and transformative healing and discovery. The evening retreat will consist of a Dharma teaching, meditations, qigong movement meditation and compassion practice, all held in silence. Please join us if you can and open your heart with compassionate generosity.

Bookings: admin@stillmindretreats.com

Banking Details:
Account Name: Stillmind Retreats
Cheque Account: 62506345637
First National Bank, Rondebosch
Branch Code: 201509
Reference: Your name & BRC Dana

Please email proof of payment to admin@stillmindretreats.com.

All dana will be sent directly to the BRC.


21 December, 2021
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm UTC+2
Event Category:


via Zoom
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