May I be at peace, peace, perfect peace
May I find clarity in my confusion
softness in my strife
the wisdom to heal my contusions
May I find acceptance in certain truths
that water is fluid, rock is solid and that everything keeps moving
their transience impalpable as is unfathomable
that I too, am fluid – ever-changing from one moment to the next
and that there-in lies my potential
to change, to renew, to re-constitute my wholeness
May I embrace the Ancient Wisdom that sings in soft tones
if I remain still enough, open enough to listen
May I find the courage to relinquish all that bears me down
their familiar weight unbearable yet strangely comforting
May I trust that all I need is right here within me
May I find love, within and without
May I enable my inner voice to articulate its truth eloquently, audibly
May I, like the sacred mountain that towers before me
find my grounding steadfast and sure
with her aspect ever-changing by passing clouds, descending mist, resplendent blue skies
her essence remains unchangeable
like an Ancient Mother cradling her children at her feet
“Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother” I was taught as a child
and so, as I anoint the feet of Earth Mother may I honour too
My Inner Mother – with, or without my almost-but-never-there symphony of genetic coding
I am Mother in all that I love and nurture
May I take comfort in the simmering disquiet of certain truths
that everything is still, yet still keeps moving
the mountain stands still
the tree sways gently in the breeze
the mountain may move
perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a thousand years
for there is unrelenting movement beneath her grounded illusory stillness
May I live life fully, embracing its myriad visceral and cerebral textures
May I exercise discernment in the guests I consciously invite in
and with Grace, uninvite those no longer welcome
May I peacefully let go of those whom I’ve loved and lost
to gather my sorrows like children, lean in softly to them,
love them, grow from them and finally relinquish them
discovering the ultimate lightness of being . . .
May I find peace, peace, perfect peace
Ayesha Sabat
Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat, September 2018
© Ayesha Sabat